All Music © Gerald Sharp
All rights reserved

About the Album
In 1989, I travelled to the UK with my family and two other South Africans to peform a multi-media dance drama, for which this album was the soundtrack. t was released at the time, only on Cassette. My daughter, Tevya Raven, is seen with me here on the cassette cover and was the youngest who perforemed as part of the cast with her older sister Arin Rain, and mother Donna, who played the Shulamite, as we toured the UK with two other South African dancers Juanity Bradshaw (the coreographer) and Amanda. Later I did create a CD, using a picture of my wife Adia, on the sleave, as shown below.
I cannot go into all the detail, but a Jewish convert to Christianity, Rodney Graber, came a year or two before and gave me a short bible study. He explained that Psalm 45 was connected with the Song of Solomon and that the Shulamite was prophetic of the bride of Christ and that Solomon represented Yeshua. About a week later he called me and told me that I should write a musical on this. I said, great, but I cannot make it happen. God will have to do it. Miraculously, God did. The first few songs were written on a keyboard I took on appro. I could harly play chopsticks at the time. Then God gave me a date of Sept 24 in 1989. It was confirmed my miracles of a prophetic nature, when a prophet passing through spoke these words over my life, not knowing that I was asking God just to tell me if I must go to the UK as I felt I had heard: He took my hand and said: "It is time for you to land afar off, to a people of great tradition. .... That some month I received an unexpected post card from another musicianary friend who was visiting the UK. It simply had BIG BEN on the front and the words :Its time for you to glorify your name in England father" scribbled on the back. Perhaps a greater miracle was the fact that the entire balance of musical pieces were just flowing out of me in a walk in cupboured adjoining an outside flat on my smallholding. Using that same keyboard (Roland D50) and a tiny Mac capable of midi layering I created one piece after another not even coming out to eat for many of those days unless my wife brought food. Once she left me till late in the eveing. I had not eaten all day.
Another miracele was the visitation of a wild bird to the room where I was creating. I took it from outside where it perched on the door to inside where it acted all sleepy allowing me to photograph it. Then when I took it outside again it seemed to gain its normal life and fled away.
Time Kraft
Thanks for the exciting solo on .... and for your assistance with polishing up this album as best you could, given the raw material and also for arranging the tree female singers who sang throught the pieces.
Carol Foster
Thank you for talking the lead female singing role and for refusing to take a penny, once you saw the material and it relationship to the word.
Loyd Martin
For adding some cymbals here and there.
Tim and the others who sang the mighty men parts.