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About the album

This album was completed around 2004, during the first year of my marriage to the beautiful Belinda King, formerly Voges, whom I am happily growing old with. At the time, I had put together a little studio in the church where I worshiped, which I called "Plumbline Recording Studio". It is for me a fusion of thoughts to do with the bride of Christ and my own search for a bride, hence the theme of Intimacy. There are, as usual some songs, that I would like to re-visit, if I find time, as I know I can produce them better now. My favourite songs have to be Cafe Latte and Adia, which is what I renamed my wife, before we were married. Hopefully that ends up in a blog sometime. "Towers" is one I want to re-visit, which relates to 9/11 when the Twin Towers fell. 

All Music © Gerald Sharp

Unless otherwise stated, all music is copyright Gerald Sharp and all rights are reserved.


Pastor Ray Crowther

Thank you for allowing me to have a studio in the church building, where most of this album was recorded


Ina Crowther

Thanks for the many beautiful keyboard parts you played and you willingness to be so generous with your talent. You contributed greatly to this album.



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