A song about living in his community, in Him, among His people. About vision, which brings hope in a world where we are strangers. A cry to fix our eyes on things above, where we are "seated in Messiah by His great love." Our perspective changes. Our eyes are on the King. He is on the throne and earth is His footstool. In Him, we have the ear of the Father. In Him, we are being guided to His habitable world. Our eyes see the King and the new Jerusalem, the city He has prepared. We have a living hope to be a bride to the King. To be as He is, without spot or blemish, and live with Him, on earth, for a thousand years. And that is just the beginning! ISAIAH 5414 In righteousness you will be established, far from oppression, for you will have no fear. Terror will be far removed, for it will not come near you.
14 In righteousness you will be established, far from oppression, for you will have no fear. Terror will be far removed, for it will not come near you.
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Like A Bird In A Tree