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About the Album

The song, Raven Rain, was initially written in 1985. The meaning of Raven Rain was simple: Black (meaning severe) and Rain (suffering).  The song was a call to Africa, to turn to God in their suffering and to all who have this hope,  to carry the Good News of the Kingdom to all who were suffering and in need of a saviour.  When your enemies are too big, look up. It really is the only hope you have. And those who sincerely do, find that our creator is alive and cares. For it is written that the blood of His own son speaks louder than the blood of men or of bulls and goats. Our Father and saviour have made a new and living way, that whosoever so desires and believes may come inside the Holy Place and speak with Him. Yes, the veil of the temple was torn in two. You may come and sit on the mercy seat and talk with Elohiym!

I hope that this album will speak to every heart that suffers and will bring hope to many and cause them to return to the lover of their souls.


All my springs are in Yahushua. Thank you. 

Thank you Tony Drake, for your friendship over the years and the major part you are playing in these songs. I love your arrangement of Raven Rain. I hope you and others will enjoy the finished products here, as much as I do, and that we can perhaps put a full album together over time, even as we did in the 80's.

All Music © Gerald Sharp

Unless otherwise stated, all music on this site is copyright Gerald Sharp and all rights are reserved.


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