Thank you for being a subscriber, or one who has asked for more information. You likely know that I am primarily a singer songwriter, with a lyrical mission, that relates almost always to our creator and saviour and the bible. I release songs and videos and also scriptureal messages.
Getting my content to others, (the "marketing side") is something that I struggle with! So I am trying to improve and make it easier for myself, and also for you. I want you to be able to find content that interests you, easily and fast, so I created a Linktree account. This is essentially a tree of links to my most recent content and the broader categories from which they come. So their are links to past content, beneath the new. There are 3 main categories, as follows:
MY VIDEOS My latest song release (Usually a VIdeo that is on Youtube)
NEW MESSAGES My most recent message relating to scripture (This can be found here on this blog, but you will get a direct link to the content from the Linktree, (spelt Linktr.ee/likeabirdinatree which is on a site called "designerr".)
MESSAGE OF THE MONTH This is an external message, that I feel is worth watching.
The Linktree mini site can now be found right here on the homepage of https://likeabirdinatree.com
I have embeded the Linktree site, at the bottom of the page. It will soon be updated with new things, so if you have not viewed the current items, please open it now. Or from https://likeabirdinatree.com homepage. You are looking for somthing like this...

Anything with a picture next to it is a new item, while anything with a logo is the broader view of the category from which it comes.
I hope you find this helpful.

PS. Please prayerfully consider sharing any content you might feel could bless someone you know. Also, if you feel peace, like, subscribe and comment, because obviously it all helps others find this content. The Spirit in you is a better algorithm. Thanks so much.