The first song, "Love and Forgiveness", is already up. Although not a new song, I have only finally remixed and mastered it recently, having already added the guitar and vocal to the lovely backing created by Tony very many years back.
Tony has also agreed to start something very exciting for me and something requested by others long ago: A new version of the song "Raven Rain". It was first recorded in 1985. You can listen to that version on the album "Lift Your Head Up", produced by Kevin Shirley in 1986. Later it could be found on the album "Ordinary Men Embraced" where Nick Coetzee arranged it. Hopefully, we will also revive a few of those older loved Raven Rain songs, off that album. So please do share in our enthusiasm for the joy we have in making music, especially when it can say something of real value, and do listen to "Love and Forgiveness" now and let us know what you think of it. Calling You Home "Calling You Home" is meant to go together with Raven Rain. (Raven and Rain were actually names of my two eldest children) "Raven Rain is calling you home" comes from the lyric of the song "Raven Rain", which was written in 1985, in the turbulent period surrounding the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. It referred to "Black Suffering", meaning the severe suffering of all who were impacted by the wickedness that surrounded that turbulent time. Today this "black suffering" appears to be growing universally, as Covid causes havoc economically around the world and the impact looks more and more like the beginning of the breaking open of the seals spoken of in the book of Revelation. Predictions of violence and hunger to follow seem sequentially accurate to those predicted in the Bible, if these predictions are going to be proved correct. Suffering does two things. It either makes people bitter or better. It leads to their hating of others and inevitably their own self-destruction or it makes them better people and that often coincides with a turning towards God to make sense of a world that includes much evil. The fall of man in the garden of Eden, is the best explanation of why the world is the way it is. And Yeshua, the only name given under heaven by which man may be saved is a living hope in all who turn to Him. If you have not yet listened, thanks for reading to the end. Here is the link again: "Love and Forgiveness" and please share with others and comment below. In His love Gerald Sharp LikeABirdInATree