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About the Album

I have always wanted to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, because those are the kind He seeks. The sages say, worship should be like a burnt offering. Our thanksgiving should be such, that on completion, there is nothing left of us. Only Him!  In Psalm 61, David asked God to prepare mercy and truth for him, that he may daily perform his vows. Acts indicates that God has a desire to re-build David's Tabernacle. 

16 “‘After this I will return,
and I will rebuild the tent of David that has fallen;
I will rebuild its ruins,
     and I will restore it,


David, King of Israel, was passionate about his relationship with God. He loved God's Law. (Psalm 119) To me the law is "THE TRUTH", David speaks of. He failed, sometimes dismally, but repented with all his heart. He looked prophetically for the day of MERCY AND TRUTH, (Psalm 61) which of course came in Yahshua, when righteousness and peace kissed through the mercy / grace in Messiah. We should do as David did. We should be like a bride, spotless for our groom. We should sing and dance before our maker with all the passion our soul can muster.  May this be an album of worship, grace and truth.

Here is a great video, that sheds interesting light on what it is to worship in spirt and truth: Watch it:


Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes shall say, "All my springs of joy are in you." Psalm 87:7

Track 1. Everybody Knows. FRENCH PART - Thank you to my new voice over friend, Heidi Freitas. 

NOTE: Song lyrics, credits etc. can be found via link on the player.

Unless otherwise stated, all music on this site is copyright © Gerald Sharp and all rights are reserved.



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